Spouse Employment Opportunities

Start Here to Get Hired!

There are more job opportunities for spouses than ever before at Aviano! We've put together a comprehensive list of all the ways you can find meaningful employment during your time here - with everything from part-time jobs, to full-time careers, to contract work. Check out the resources below, and take your first step toward getting hired!

Where Can I Find Work, and What Support Resources are Available?

Here at Aviano, Many Job Types are Available to You:

NAF & GSNAF & GS jobs are federal positions within squadrons or groups on base. NAF (non-appropriated funds) positions are largely within our MWR (morale, welfare & recreation) components, and span a wide breadth of fields and types of work. GS positions are located across base, and also offer a wide variety of opportunities.

All currently available NAF & GS positions are listed on the USAJobs.com

AAFESAAFES offers a variety of positions at their on-base entities. This includes the BX, Shoppette, and several food, shopping and services businesses.

Visit the AAFES website to view & apply for their current openings

DODEAWork for Aviano Air Base's Elementary School, or Middle High School! DODEA offers a variety of positions, both teaching and non-teaching. These include teachers, substitutes, administrative staff, and more.

To apply for teaching positions, visit the DODEA website

All non-teaching positions, as well as substitute positions, are posted on USAJobs.com

Remote WorkDue to a recent agreement between the US State Department and Italian Government, spouses are now allowed to legally hold remote jobs! There are a few key considerations for this:

You may remote work for a U.S.-Based Company only. Companies in Italy, the rest of Europe, or anywhere other than the U.S. are not permitted for spouse remote work under the SOFA. 

Please note that individual companies may have their own policies regarding remote work and where their employees are physically located. Be sure to inquire about this as you apply.

For more detailed information, please reach out to the Aviano Legal Office at 0434-30-7843.

DeCAThe Commissary offers a variety of positions at their location on-base on Area F.

All DeCA openings are posted on USAJobs.com

Global Credit UnionThe on-base credit union, Global Credit Union, offers positions for spouses such as bank telling. They are located on Area F, near the Mensa building and Thrift Store. 

Visit GlobalCU.org to view and apply for their open positions

Community BankThe on-base bank, Community Bank, offers occasional positions for spouses. They are located on Area 1, near the Four Seasons BX and Aviano Lanes / Deja Brew. 

Visit DoDCommunityBank.com to view and apply for their open positions

University of Maryland Global CampusUMGC, located at the Education Center on Area 1, offers Adjunct Faculty positions in a variety of subjects. 

Visit UMGC.edu to view & apply for current openings

Contract PositionsThere are a wide variety of contract opportunities on base. Positions can be offered at the Med Group, the Comm Squadron, and everything in between.

While these positions vary greatly, the Military & Family Readiness Center (MFRC) provides a list of contractors to help you get started! Simply stop by their office (located on Area F, next to the Post Office & Deja Brew) and request to view the binder of contract job resources. They will be more than happy to assist!

31FSS Offers Resources & Tips to Help You Land a Job

In addition to our Civilian Personnel Office and the NAF Human Resources Office, the 31st Force Support Squadron's Military & Family Readiness Center (MFRC) offers amazing resources and support for spouses seeking jobs! A few of their offerings include:

  • Resume Writing Assistance
  • Understanding Federal Employment Workshops
  • LinkedIn Courses
  • Interview Prep

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