Information, Tickets, & Travel

Get Out There & Start Exploring!

Seek adventure and explore Europe with Aviano’s Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) office! Our team of travel enthusiasts organizes incredible trips for the Aviano AB community every month – from day trips, wine tastings and castle tours, to long weekend trips to Paris, Croatia, the French Riviera, and more! ITT also offers our popular Patriot Shuttle, which can be booked for PCS travel to/from the Venice Marco Polo Airport. Come tour with us!

Note: this form is only for monthly trip bookings. Overnight trips must be booked at least 2 weeks in advance.

For the Patriot Shuttle, please scroll to the bottom of this page for reservation request instructions.

Frequent Traveler Card

Get Rewarded for Trips with ITT’s FREE Frequent Traveler Card!

2000 km = 50% Off One (1) Day Trip
4000 km = One (1) FREE Day Trip

Stop by the ITT office today to sign up or to get more information!

February Trips

March Trips

April Trips

  • SSF – Single Supplement Fee — To be added to adult ticket price if rooming alone
  • SAI – Single Airman Initiative Program — R4R discount for airmen of any rank, must have NO dependents on orders
  • DAP – Deployed Affected Personnel Program — R4R discount for those who have been/are currently deployed while at Aviano or any affected adult dependents/spouses
  • R4R – Recharge for Resiliency — The capstone for resiliency programming across the Air Force and Space Force
  • Cancellations made more than two (2) calendar weeks in advance will receive a full refund. (OVERNIGHT TRIPS ONLY!)
  • Cancellations made more than one (1) calendar week in advance will receive a full refund. (DAY TRIPS ONLY!)
  • Cancellations made the same day a trip was purchased will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellations made within one (1) calendar week of the trip departure will receive no refund.
  • Cancellations will ONLY BE ACCEPTED in person at the ITT office during our published business hours.
  • Exception to policy: Cancellations resulting from qualified military duty, health and family emergencies, or other circumstances of an exceptional nature may be considered for refunds only if ITT is notified within 72 hours after the trip departure. The decision to issue an exception to policy will be made at the sole discretion of ITT staff and may require that supporting documentation be submitted. Occurrence of the stated events does not guarantee that a refund will be issued.

The Soggiorno Office has received new guidance from the Pordenone Questura Immigrations Office regarding the new ETIAS and EES programs.

  • All members requiring a Soggiorno Permit are advised to carry their Soggiorno, Tourist Passport, their Official/No-Fee Passport, as well as their orders whenever crossing any borders. As a reminder, Soggiorno bearers must carry their tourist passport and Soggiorno at a minimum, wherever you go, even within Italy.
  • When stopped at a border or before boarding a plane for leisure travel, present your tourist passport. Only present additional documentation if requested by the reviewing officer.
  • Please take proper precautions when traveling and spread this information to everyone you know that this may affect.

For any questions or concerns, please call the Soggiorno office at DSN 632.4806.

We ask that all shuttle request forms be filled out and returned to our office via ORG box. Make sure to read the form carefully and fill out ALL required travel information fields (including payment details) before submitting your request.


Prices are calculated based on a POINT A to POINT B system (e.g.: Aviano Base Lodging to VCE Airport) and include a radius of 10km outside the immediate Aviano Air Base area.

8 passenger van with trunk storage (allow 1 seat for the driver)


15 passenger van with overhead luggage rack


52 passenger bus with under-vehicle storage


Late fee (shuttles booked within 48 hours of travel)


Tardiness at pickup or drop-off location per every 10 minutes of delay (after 30 minutes)


Any pickup/drop-off location outside of the immediate Aviano Air Base area (10km+)


The ITT Office will contact you if pricing must be adjusted at any time before/after your shuttle reservation to collect any outstanding balances, so please provide correct contact and payment information at the time of booking.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

If you have any questions regarding a new or existing Patriot Shuttle reservation, please call or email us during our normal hours of operation.

  • Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and GTC can be used for payment; GTC is reimbursable on travel voucher
  • Allow approximately 45-60 minutes to go through customs, schedule the shuttle accordingly
  • Pets: Allow an ADDITIONAL 60 minutes minimum to clear customs, schedule shuttle accordingly
  • 24/7 service available (NOT ITT OFFICE, only the Patriot Shuttle’s Person of Contact!)
  • The Patriot Shuttle can transport to on/off base destinations

Please note that the shuttle service provides pickup and drop-off at a single specified location (ie. VCE Airport to Main Lodging building, home address to airport, base dorms to local train station, etc). Additionally, per ITT’s current contract with the company that operates the Patriot Shuttle Service, “The shuttle requirement will be on as needed basis and upon call placed by authorized ITT personnel only.” DO NOT reach out to make shuttle arrangements with the shuttle company POCs unless communication is involving a last-minute change within 24 hours (ie. delayed flight, change in pickup/drop-off time, change in pickup/drop-off location, etc.). If you have any questions or need further clarification on these terms, contact the ITT office during open hours.

The same company that operates our Patriot Shuttle service can pick up and drop off to a wide variety of on-base and off-base locations. Whether it’s for your next UNITE event, squadron holiday party, or you just need a dependable ride for a night out with some friends, be sure to reach out to the Information, Tickets, & Travel office to book your transportation there!

Contact us today to get a quote and start your next journey! Call 39.0434.30.3107 or send an email to

How to Inquire
Send us a message with the following information at least 15-30 days in advance:

  • Date(s) and address/location of your event
  • Projected itinerary, including all timestamps of arrivals & departures
  • Contact information (email and phone number) for the organizer of your event
  • Approximate head count of attendees