Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Weekends, Family Days & Holidays: Closed
Private & Unofficial Organizations
Support the Community through Private Organizations
Private Organizations (POs) are self-sustaining special interest groups, set up by individuals acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Government.
What is an Official Private Organization?
IAW AFI 34-223, “Private Organizations are self-sustaining special interest groups, set up by individuals acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity. They operate on Air Force installations with the written consent of the Installation Commander. POs are not Federal entities.” POs have a bank account that exceeds over $1,000 in an average of 3 months.
What is an Unofficial Unit-affiliated Activity?
Unofficial unit-affiliated activities (e.g., coffee funds, water funds, sunshine funds are not considered Private Organizations, unless current assets exceed a monthly average of $1,000 over a three (3)-month period. Activities which exceed the asset limit ($1,000) must become a recognized Official Private Organization or reduce its current assets below the $1,000 threshold. Also it must be affiliated with a unit (example: Squadron Booster Club).
In order for a group to become a registered private organization at aviano afb, the following documents will need to be submitted to 31 FSS.
Constitution, Bylaws, and other Similar Documents
PO must submit a written constitution, by-laws, and other similar documents, through the Private Organization Office, who will then route for coordination/approval (legal office/MSG/CC). See AFI 34-223 (Private Orgs Guide Book), paragraph 9 for specific requirements. The constitution, bylaws or similar documents must:
- The Constitution, by-laws, or similar documents must be updated every two years or when there is a change in the purpose, functions, or membership eligibility of the PO, whichever comes first.
- Address the nature, function, objectives, membership eligibility, and sources of income of the PO
- Notify all members of their personal financial responsibility for obligations of the PO
- Describe the responsibilities of the PO officers for asset accountability, liability satisfaction, and sound financial and operational management
- Provide specific guidance on the disposition of residual assets upon dissolution
Insurance Waiver or Proof of Insurance
- POs are required to have liability insurance unless waived by the Installation Commander (must coordinate with base Legal Office)
- POs for which waivers have been granted may be required to obtain insurance for certain special events which involve greater risk of injury or damage
- Forward all waiver requests through Private Organization Office for proper coordination/approval.
- Insurance waivers must be reevaluated annually
Financial Documents
Private Organization must provide the latest annual financial statement with supporting bank statements to the Private Organization office.
Meeting Minutes
- Minutes should be prepared for each meeting in order to maintain continuity in the operation of the private organization.
- This includes, but is not limited to: general membership meetings, Board of Directors/Officers’ meetings, special meetings, etc.
- Meetings of committees will be noted within the text of the general membership meeting minutes. The recording secretary and president (or their representatives) will sign the minutes.
- All minutes will be forwarded to 31st FSS Private Organization Monitor for review NLT 10 days following the meeting.
List of Officers and Contact Info
All requests, advertising, and any Private Organization correspondence require the following disclaimer:
It is not authorized to use government e-mail to advertise Private Organization events or information.
Do not begin advertising until your fundraising request has been approved.
What We Offer
What We Do
Because Private Organizations operate on Air Force installations with the written authorization of the Commander, 31st Mission Support Group (authority having been delegated by the Commander, 31st Fighter Wing), the Private Organizations Office acts as a liaison between Private Organization members, the Legal Office, 31st Force Support Commander, and the 31st Mission Support Group Commander to get all documentation set up for the group to be established as a Private Organization.
Once established, the Private Organization office will maintain a file on each Private Organization and at the end of each fiscal year, will review each Private Organization to ensure all financial statements, documents, records, and procedures outlined in the Private Organization Guide are followed and the organizations are in compliance with Air Force Instructions (AFI) and Operating Instructions (OI).
Private Organization AFI / Guidance Handbook
Detailed in the Private Organizations Handbook (AFI 34-223) are the following subjects:
- Definition/ Authority
- Oversight
- Installation Commander Responsibilities
- Force Support Commander/ Civilian Leader Responsibilities
- Operating Policies
- Financial Management
- Audit Requirements
- Logistical Support
- Dissolution
- Optional Computer Software
- Other Attachments
How To Stay Compliant
Official Private Organizations and Unofficial Unit-Affiliated Activities must maintain updated documents; otherwise, the organization may be suspended/dissolved.
What are Base Events?
FSS Events:
- Spring into Spring
- 4th of July Celebration
- Fall Fest
- Wyvern Wonderland
PO’s Office will send out an email for food booth submissions. Bella Befana Bazar (Sep/Oct)-managed by CIAO (Community Integration of Aviano Organization
Primavera Bazar (MAy)-managed by the Primavera Bazar Committee
Emails for bazar food booth submissions are sent by the private organizations.
What is "For Us By US" fundraising?
As a general rule, unofficial activities’ fundraising efforts are considered “for us, by us” fundraising, unless fundraising extends beyond unit personnel and family members. Unit commanders may approve unit unofficial activity fundraisers on the installation within the unit, and only for the unit’s personnel. Fundraising outside the unit requires Installation Commander or designee approval. Unofficial activities are still Federal entities and may not solicit gifts from outside sources or engage in off base fundraising.
What are the rules about Fundraisers?
- With the proper approval by 31FW/CC or designee, Private Organizations and unofficial unit- affiliated activities may conduct three (3) fundraisers per calendar quarter. You must submit a completed fundraising form to the Private Organization Office.
- Fundraising must not duplicate or compete with activities of the AAFES or 31st Force Support Squadron.
- Direct solicitation of cash donations is prohibited.
- Private Organizations may not conduct raffles or other gambling type activities except as provided in AFI 34-223 paragraph 10.20 and unofficial unit-affiliated activities may not conduct any of the above under any circumstances.