Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sundays, Family Days & Holidays: Closed
Auto Hobby
Our equipment, your skills!
Auto Skills provides economical and efficient same-day services by means of appointment and drop-off on all American and European vehicles. We have trained mechanics on duty as well as provide DIY services for our Aviano Air Base community to keep your cars in safe and reliable condition.
Services & Programs
Oil for Sale on Premises
Oil for sale on premises: Ardeca (Fully Synthetic FS, Partially Synthetic PS) 0W20 FS, 5W20 FS, 5W30 FS, 10W40 PS
Note: Due to SOFA agreement, oil products sold at Auto Skills are to be used on site, not for take away sales.
Dropping off your vehicle?
Please be aware that all repair work on vehicles scheduled for maintenance will remain at the center for the entire day until all work has been completed. Please make arrangements for alternate transportation should your vehicle repairs not be completed.
On Base Roadside Assistance
Auto Hobby offers on-base Roadside Assistance for any valid ID cardholder with an AFI registered vehicle that is experiencing mechanical problems. Give the Auto Hobby Center a call at 632-CARS (2277) for more information!
Dispose of your car battery the easy way!
Auto Hobby Center is the recycling point for used personal automotive parts and fluids – motor oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid etc.; car and motorcycle batteries only; automotive scrap metal; and used tires. This service is only available during AHC hours of operations and is free to US ID card holders only. It is illegal to leave automotive waste at the gate during non-operating hours and doing so could result in a fine and or other disciplinary action.
Used Vehicle Sales Lot
Need to sell your car? We can help with that, but you have to come to see us at the Auto Hobby shop. When you are ready to put your car on the sales lot stop by Auto Hobby and bring the following:
Proof of registration
Proof of ID
You can choose to leave the car on the lot for 7 Days ($9), 14 days ($15), or 30 days ($25)
Useful Documents
Please note: The Parts Order Quote Form is for U.S. Spec vehicles only.
Please do not email in the parts order form, please print it and submit in person.