31st Medical Group

Hours of Operation/Duty Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed: Federal Holidays & 3rd Tuesday of each month for Development Days

Medical In-Processing

  • Conducted every Wednesday at in-processing briefing
  • To ensure active duty member and family are enrolled in TRICARE to receive healthcare in Italy:
  • Airmen will need a copy of PCS orders to complete TRICARE enrollment forms during in-processing. If you have dependents you would like enrolled into TRICARE Prime, you will also need proof of medical clearance for your family members. 
  • Submit all medical and dental records to the Medical Records desk on the ground floor of the Health Clinic.
  • If you miss the weekly in-processing briefing, please call International SOS at +44-20-8762-8384 or go into the TRICARE office inside the clinic on Area 1 and they will assist you. Please ensure you have a copy of your orders and proof of medical clearance for all family members if applicable.


You can schedule appointments by calling the 31 MDG appointment line at 632-5000 or +39-043-430-5000, Monday - Friday 7:00 - 4:00.


You must have a valid, unexpired DoD identification card for all appointments.

Test Results

You can view your results by visiting https://my.mhsgenesis.health.mil/ or by visiting Medical Records inside the main clinic on Area 1 in the TRICARE office.

Contacting your health care team/what to do if you need advice?

You can message your health care team anytime, day or night, by using https://my.mhsgenesis.health.mil/ or by calling the 31 MDG appointment line at DSN 632-5000 or Comm:+39-043-430-5000, AFTER duty hours this number will direct you to the Nurse Advice Line.


Pharmacy Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:30

Please call +39-043-430-8165 to access the mandatory refill call-in line to process refills. Refills may be picked up at the main Pharmacy inside the 31 MDG clinic on Area 1. Please allow one business day for processing refills.

New Prescriptions from an On-Base Provider
Activate your prescriptions at the pharmacy kiosk and wait for your name to populate on the screen.

New Prescriptions from an Off-Base Provider
Prescriptions can be filled at the local Farmacia and reimbursement can be requested online at www.tricare-overseas.com. This option is strongly recommended for medication given for acute issues (i.e. for the Emergency Room) after Pharmacy hours to avoid treatment delays. During operational hours, off-base prescriptions can be filled in the 31 MDG Pharmacy by first visiting the TRICARE office Liaisons for translation and then reporting to the Pharmacy.

Pharm D Clinic
The Pharmacy offers acute care services for ailments such as cough/cold and allergies by visiting the Pharmacy consultation window during normal Pharmacy hours.

Clinical Services Available at the Pharmacy

  • Cough/cold/over-the-counter
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Prenatal and Postnatal Care Kits
  • Medication bridge

Key Points

  • Walk-in service available
  • Clinic Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Quarters NOT provided
  • Antibiotics NOT provided
  • Services available for 18+ year old – No PRP/FLT status
  • All interventions are documented in official medical records

Emergency Care

Aviano Air Base does not have an Emergency Medical Care Department.
The official European Emergency number is 112. Call this number for emergency services in Italy. For TRICARE Prime beneficiaries, if a translator is needed call the Interpreter mobile at +39-335-5601235. If calling from a US phone number dial +39-3355601235. If calling from a US phone number dial 0039-3355601235. In the absence of a response, call the International SOS Telephonic Interpretation Service at toll-free number from Italy 800-928 032.

Closest Emergency Care:
Pordenone Emergency Room & Hospital

Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Maria Degli Angeli
Via Monterale 24 Pordenone 33170
Coordinates: N45*58, 1053’, E012*39, 1204

In the Know-cchi: Pordenone Hospital​

What to expect when you arrive:

  • It is very similar to going to an ER in the states.
  • On the way to the ER, you may alert the Interpreter at the Pordenone ER by calling the mobile at +39-335-5601235. In the absence of a response, call the International SOS Telephonic Interpretation Service at toll-free number from Italy +39-800-928 032 when you arrive at Triage.
  • Report to the triage desk for registration with your military ID card; care is rendered from there.
  • Please note, on-site interpretation services is a benefit that is ONLY offered to TRICARE Prime beneficiaries and Active Duty and command sponsored Family Members. (Not covered for TRICARE Select, DoDDS teachers, civilians, contractors, GS employees, etc.)

Traveling Outside Aviano Area
If you are traveling away from Aviano and need emergency care, proceed to the nearest ER. If you are unsure where to go, contact International SOS Telephonic Interpretation Service at +44 20-8762-8384 or toll-free number from Italy +39 800-928 032.

After Duty Hours Care
If you get seen after duty hours in an Emergency Room, please send us a secure message using MHS GENESIS patient portal or call the next available duty day at: DSN 632-5000 or +39-043-430-5000 to let us know what occurred and what follow-up you may need.


Dental Sick After Hours Emergencies: After hours emergency dental emergency care is available for acute infections with swelling and/or fever; trauma; oral conditions such as bleeding, swelling, or breathing difficulties; inability to open or close jaw; and post-operative complications. For after-hours care of these conditions call +39-335-848-2558.

Dental Sick Call: Dental Sick Call: Dental Clinic Sick Call hours are offered Monday through Friday 0800-1000 on a first-come, first-served basis, with respect to acuity. Please call Dental at +39-0434-30-5060 from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. to coordinate the best time to come in for evaluation of severe tooth pain, chipped teeth, etc. 

Dependent Dental Care

On-base: All dependent (adult and pediatric) dental care at the Aviano Dental Clinic is on a priority of care basis. The priority of care goes from dental emergencies, class-3 active duty members, active duty members, dependents, retirees, and finally pay patients.

Off-Base Treatment
Most dependent dental care occurs at local host nation dental clinics. It is advised to enroll your family in TRICARE Dental Insurance through United Concordia to ensure your family has access to care when they need it. No referral is needed to use United Concordia insurance for dental treatment. Contact the dental clinic for TRICARE Dental providers in your area.


Pediatric Dental Treatment On-Base: Call the Aviano Dental Clinic for availability. Please be aware that there is only one pediatric dentist at the clinic. Patients under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Additionally, children cannot be left unattended during an appointment for the parent or during an appointment for another child in the family. It is recommended to obtain childcare coverage during appointments for parents.

Orthodontic Care
Orthodontic treatment at the Dental Clinic is available on a limited basis for active duty and dependent children. It is determined by severity of need. Active duty and children arriving to Aviano with orthodontic appliances or braces are not guaranteed on-base treatment. There are local providers available who are able to complete routine cases. To locate an orthodontist off-base contact TRICARE Dental.


31 MDG Optometry Clinic
The Optometry Clinic provides routine eye exams for active-duty dependents on a Space Available basis. Please call the Optometry Clinic at 632-9060 or +39-043-430-9060 for more information or to schedule.

TRICARE does cover one annual eye exam from qualified overseas optometrists without a referral. If you require additional optometry services aside from those listed below, you may be referred off-base.

Bring the following to an eye exam:

  • Current prescription glasses
  • Contact lenses and box (or current prescription)
Optometry Services Active Duty Dependents
Routine Eye Exams Yes Yes
Provide Glasses Yes No
Provide Contacts No No
Refractive Surgery Yes No

Contact Lenses
Initial fittings are provided for flyers only on the Air Crew Contact Lens Program. If not on the program you must be seen off-base.
Reason: TRICARE does not cover contact lenses exams; contacts are regarded as cosmetic.

Refractive Eye Surgery
Only active duty can apply.

  • Surgery location is Landstuhl Medical Center Germany (closest DoD center).
  • Travel/lodging is at the cost of the applicant or funded by the unit if approved by the URA (Unit Resource Advisor)
  • Leave is processed as Permissive TDY through applicants unit according to AFI 36-3003.
  • Other requirements: 21 years old/12 months left on station
  • Further info/application forms can be obtained at your routine eye exam (which is the first step in the evaluation process).
  • Landstuhl is taking applications at this time ONLY for flyers until further notice.


Coordinating Care After Arrival

Ensure you and your family are enrolled in Tricare Overseas.  Enrollment forms are typically completed at the Wyvern Welcome.  If you were not able to attend the base orientation, please proceed to the 31 MDG clinic located on Area 1, Bldg. 121.

For any specialty care, please schedule an appointment with your PCM to coordinate referrals and or required testing.

If there have been any changes in the specialty care needs of an EFMP enrolled dependent, they will need an updated DD form 2792 completed by their medical provider.

For any questions/concerns, please contact the EFMP office:
Email: usaf.aviano.31-mdg.mbx.efmpm@mail.mil
Phone: +39-0434 30 5828 or DSN 314 632 5828